Sunday, March 28, 2010

Went all asian this weekend

I had seven drum sticks
seaseme oil
1/4 TSP dried oregano
1/4 TSP sea salt
1/4 cup of soy sauce
1/4 cup of teriaky sauce
1/8 TSP black pepper
1/4 cup of sofrito
1/2 onion

Take off the skin of the chicken. rinse in cold was with a generose amount of salt and vineger. Once its rinsed add all the ingredients in the bowl. Let marinated for 30 minutes. Have a hot pan in medium high heat, add the seasme oil. Then add the peices of meat. Do not add all the excess marinade. You want to sear the meat on one side. And the turn them over to the other side. Once it is seared add the rest of the marinade. Lower heat to low and cover with a tight lid. It might look like there is too much liquid..but its ok. When the chicken is done, you will raise the heat to medium high with the lid open. Leting the liquid evaporate and allowing the chicken to get nice and brown. This would go nice with brown rice and vegetables.

Tilapia with Stir fry

For the Tilapia( 4 filets)
1/2 cup of sofrito
1 TSP of honey
1/2 TSP garlic powder
1/4 TSP of black pepper
1/4 cup of soy sauce

For the Stir Fry
seasame oil,
1 red Pepper, julianne
1/2 onion diced
boc choy
1 head of broccoli
1/4 soy sauce
2 TSP of Hoisen sauce
1/2 TSP of black pepper
whole wheat thin pasta

First prepare the fish. I seasoned the fish with the sofrito. Added the dry ingredients. And then drissled them with the honey. Have a small pot filled with water added salt on high heat. This is where the pasta will go. While the water is boilng we will be preparing a second pan. This pan should be on medium high heat. Place the peices of fish on the pan, getting a nice sear. Now don't add the marinade that is left in the bowl. Once one side gets a nice sear carefully turn once. Add a little bit of the rest of the marinade with onion and cover on very low heat.
By now the water should be bowling. Add 1/4 of a box of pasta (small amount)in the water. Watch carefully, for the pasta is only going in for a few minutes. Take it out as soon as it starts getting soft and its pre adente. Drain and put aside.

Now You should have a hot wok on high heat. Add the seasame oil then the hoisen sauce. Next add the rest of the ingredents,leaving the bochoy for last. Moving it quikly, we want nice crispy vegetables.Add the noodles making sure its welling corporated and is married with the sauce. Cover til the pasta is adente. And its readyto eat! This is such a quik and easy dish. And my husband Ray loved it!

This fish was def inspired by my father's eccentric sense when cooking fish. Although he didnt do stir frys he often cooked his fish in this style.

Other things to have in the kitchen

Fresh Produce to have in the fridge:
Red peppers
Green Peppers
ajicitos dulces

kikoman Soy sauce
A good Hot Sauce
Teriaky, regular or roasted garlic
Goya Bitter orange Marinade
Seasame oil
white vinegar

red pepper flakes

Sea salt
whole pepper corns
black pepper

seasoned italian breadcrumbs

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Must haves in the kitchen

Mami always told me "el secreto para sozonar la carne es el oregano y mucho ajo". Mother knows best for oregano is a key ingredient in most dry seasonings from adobo, italian seasoning, meditarianian seasonings and southern BBQ rubs among many more.

So from years of watching food network and being in mami's kitchen, the key ingredients when cooking red meat and Poultry are:

Good Dominican dried oregano
sea salt

The combination of the first four in powdered form is a condiment that is sold in supermarkets called adobo seasoning. But I like to have each seperatley in powedered form and in fresh form in my kitchen. Paprika and chilli powder are not common in Dominican cooking and I havent used them yet, but I will def play with those ingredients soon.

-Check out my sofrito post. A must have also..